Burenia Wiki

Sáx tala i támi? MyOwnBadSelf (talk) 22:50, kuxkurÿ 21, 2017 (UTC)

Ma 2737 tâle í. --QytokantFRÅGOR??? 12:37, kuxkurÿ 22, 2017 (UTC)
Jàx skáli merdani by kût. MyOwnBadSelf (talk) 08:56, kuxkurÿ 24, 2017 (UTC) Side note: It's good that our dialects are mutually intelligible, so we can hold a conversation.
:o --QytokantFRÅGOR??? 09:29, kuxkurÿ 25, 2017 (UTC) That's indeed a good thing :P Though some dijålekts are pretty hard to understand :P
Indeed so, I believe Timemasterdijålekt is just gibberish, so that's why it's illegal :o MyOwnBadSelf (talk) 11:11, kuxkurÿ 25, 2017 (UTC)
The old Kòbdijålekt consisted of randomly generated words. :o 77topaz (talk) 06:39, May 11, 2017 (UTC)
Oh dear, what is that monster? :P MyOwnBadSelf (talk) 22:54, May 11, 2017 (UTC)
An excellent article from the good old days when Burenian was gibberish :P --QytokantFRÅGOR??? 08:55, May 13, 2017 (UTC)